An Expression of Faith

08/30/2015 17:58

We express our faith in the Source, Abba Father and Mother Hen; 

concerned and engaged with all that is; the Author of that which we are all part of, and of that which is beyond us all.

We express our faith in the Only Child, Prince and Pauper; 

before, after and outside time, but also a fixed point in human history.

Born from the Maker's overshadowing, just like the heavenly; born of Mother Miriam, just like the earthly.

Many had longed for this in stories and writing.

He did come down to us; lived, loved and cried with us. 

To return hope and life to us, He overcame mockery, pain and a Roman execution for us.

For us He went into the deep and dispelled the darkness.

Life won, death lost.

Ever since that first day of the week, we share in His royalty and priesthood.

From the seat of compassion, He will return to speak justly and bring eternity.

We express our faith in the Link, Invigorator; 

speaking in new ways in every generation; Inspirer of women and men throughout all ages and in all places.

And in the congregation, many bodies in the Body; with word and water, bread and wine; undivided, blessed, universal and witnessing.

And in the gathering of saints and sinners, human and angelic; at times celebrating, at times grieving.

And in the pardon that knows no limits and recognises no boundaries.

And in the existence after this one in a new frame.

And in the blessedness and wholeness restored, blissfully aware and equally blissfully at peace.
